Special chocolate Smart ForTwo cars

Special chocolate Smart ForTwo cars

Do you want unique valentine gifts? If yes then get its luxury cars that are really superb and fantastic then other since it is a chocolate Smart ForTwo cars mean it is designed with chocolates. Really it’s a unique chocolate gift for Valentine Day. At this moment various valentine gifts available in the market but Special chocolate Smart ForTwo cars is superb.

It is manufactured and designed by the expert Japanese Tadaaki Wakamatsu. Any way, this moment the Japanese women may just have released a new look and design based chocolaty way of sheering love to their prince, by gifting them luxury cars (chocolate cars). This is comes with the cost tag at $28,000 with chocolate-themed paint look.

It is comes with chocolate-themed paint design and option in case you don’t want chocolate so you can select up a usual special chocolate smart fortwo cars. Fantastic! Via


Erwin Calverley said...

The squared ones make it look so tasty, LOL. The other side of the door is designed to look like a melting chocolate. It's quite creative, to be honest. One of Japan's masterpieces.

Erwin Calverley

Ellsworth said...

If I'm not mistaken, a chocolate car like this should be kept below 27 degrees Celsius. I just read a blog about a £70,000 Porsche 911 which was covered in 175 lbs of chocolate, actually. LOL I mean, seriously. Kids would definitely like (and eat, lick, gnaw on, chew, drool over -- take your pick!) these kinds of cars.

Ellsworth Mciltrot

Clint Moore said...

This is a great valentine’s gift (if only it wasn’t that expensive)! The square chocolate door pattern reminded me of Cadbury chocolates. Ellsworth, I just saw this £70,000 Porsche 911 you're speaking of, and I have to say, this one's better. :)

Clint Moore

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